
UPDATE: The reading below has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. Though, please visit the benefit organizations and give what you can to these wonderful groups. Stay tuned for the next exciting announcement.

I will be appearing as the featured singer (Larry Foreman) in Hallie by Daniel Jacobs and Susan Quinn, a new play reading/ benefit for the Episcopal Actor’s Guild and The Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen. The one-night-only performance is Saturday, May 19, 2012 at 8:00 p.m. at the Church of the Holy Apostles, Ninth Ave. at 28th St. in New York City.

Orson Welles.  John Houseman.  Arthur Miller.  Legends of the American stage, and all were participants in the great artistic experiment that was the Federal Theatre Project.  And behind this massive undertaking was a theatre professor from Vassar named Hallie Flannagan.

Tickets are $35.00 before April 15.  $50.00 after April 15. and include an invitation to the cast party! More info, see the press release, and order tickets at www.anglicanexaminer.com .

I’m proud to be a part of this event, A Labor History Month observance, celebrating the dignity of human labor and benefitting the Episcopal Actors’ Guild, providing charitable assistance to actors of all faiths and none since 1923, and the Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen, serving more than seven million meals to hungry New Yorkers since 1982.


In other news, My Demo Reel is now online! See clips of my recent film/tv/theatre/web work in a sizzle-reel style. I’ve put together two versions, a 2-minute version and a 1-minute version, both of which can be found on the media page. The 1-minute version is also be available from my Actors Access page.