“Mass” Reading with On The Square Productions

I will be appearing as “Leo” in Mass, written by David Ian Lee & directed by Candace
, as part of the On The Square Production’s Write Angle Reading Series. Also
Featuring: Duncan Burgin, Mike DiSalvo*, & Logan Tracey* (* Actors Appearing
courtesy of Actors Equity Association)

A brief summary of the play: Kay Hitchens abandons her life for an adventure, and
finds what she’s looking for in Leo, a brilliant cosmologist who believes a mutation
in Kay’s genetic code can unlock all secrets of creation. In an abandoned corner of
the Arizona desert, Kay and Leo confront life-threatening forces — and the
unexpected arrival of Kay’s husband, Tom — in a search for meaning at the edge of
time and at the end of all things. Also, there are orgasms.

Monday March 18th at 7:30pm
Speyer Hall at University Settlement
184 Eldridge Street
$10 donation at the door.
No reservations required.

Residence at University Settlement. On The Square
Productions discovers and cultivates original works by established and emerging
playwrights. Through a unique developmental laboratory, playwrights experiment to
transform ideas into fully mounted productions. WRITE ANGLE READINGS give writers a chance to hear their
work in front of an audience, gain feedback, and put their play in front of
potential backers.

In other news, My New Demo Reel is now online! See clips of my recent film & television work in a sizzle-reel style. This new reel will also be available from my Actors Access page and on the kaneaudition YouTube channel. Subscribe for the latest clips from my new projects.

The media page also has a new link to my short film highlights playlist. I’ve put together short video’s for all of my latest film projects showcasing some of my best moments. Check these out on YouTube as well: Lady of the Forest /// The Music Behind the Door